Meet Jana, a Senior First Line Manager at B&Q Swindon.

In 2022 I completed a Level 5 apprenticeship in Operations Management to boost my career. Even after 11 years’ experience in management nothing could compare to the sheer depth and on the job application an apprenticeship offers.

Job title: Senior First Line Manager

Site: Swindon B&Q Contract

Apprenticeship: Level 5 Leadership Development

What was the name of your apprenticeship?

Level 5 Leadership Development Programme for Operations/ Departmental Manager Apprenticeship.

How long was your apprenticeship for?

It was scheduled for 15 months including the end point assessment.

When did you complete your apprenticeship?

I have successfully completed the apprenticeship programme in January 2022 and received my well-earned qualification thereafter.

What skills did your apprenticeship give you?

The programme has supported my 11 years experience in management. When I first started, I had formal training then all those years ago but it could not compare in the sheer depth and on-the-job application as apprenticeship allows it.

If you can think of any type of skill you need in a managerial role, this programme covers it in the form of theory, frameworks and examples. One of the biggest rewards from this programme is the time and need for reflection. At the end of each module and every three months, you need to reflect back on the subject you learnt about, complete assessments, and prepare yourself for review with the programme lead and your line manager. This requires a lot of reflection which reminds you of how far you have come and how much you have learnt in this programme. 

Why did you do an apprenticeship?

I’ve always had a passion for learning and improving my skills. The management role requires a handful of skills which cannot all be gained from experience alone. It is important for me, and also for my employer, to keep developing my skills and work on my management approaches and style as the world of work is constantly changing. 

How has your apprenticeship supported your career development/what roles have you had since completing it?

During the apprenticeship programme I was seconded into the shift manager role which was a great timing. It allowed me to experience and relate my learning directly on the job. I have used my experience of the apprenticeship programme to support and mentor team leaders who were undertaking the Apprenticeships Level 3 programmes. This experience allowed me to see where the current requirements are and what next steps I should take. That is the reason, why this year, I am starting a new apprenticeship programme focused on coaching skills. 

What advice would you give someone looking to do an apprenticeship? 

This is a 14 months programme which will require a great deal of time and effort from you. So, before you begin, ask yourself — why are you signing up for the programme? Is this your own choice and goal? Or did your manager suggest this programme for you? Most importantly, what benefits do you hope to gain as a result of the apprenticeship programme?

You will be supported by the programme lead and your line manager, the work and responsibility will stay with you. You have to be very good at managing your time and priorities. You will be juggling the programme demands and your day-to-day job role demands. It can become overwhelming. When I first started my programme in October 2021 our programme group included ten individuals. By the time we had finished, it was only four of us. 

This apprenticeship programme is a longer-term commitment, effort and time consuming. Yet it will not only support you in our current role, or open the door for possibilities of promotion, it will help you become a better, more equipped leader. 
