Wincanton has joined the Change the Race Ratio campaign, which aims to increase racial and ethnic participation in senior leadership.

Wincanton is one of a number of businesses across all sectors that have engaged with the campaign, launched this month.

Change the Race Ratio members will be able to collaborate with the Founder Partners of the campaign and each other to ensure that they are making the best possible progress towards achieving its objectives.

As signatories to the campaign, Wincanton will make the following four Commitments to Change:

  • Increase racial and ethnic diversity among Board members: take action to set targets to achieve:
    • FTSE 100 – At least one racially and ethnically diverse Board member by end 2021
    • FTSE 250 – At least one racially and ethnically diverse Board member by 2024.
  • Increase racial and ethnic diversity in senior leadership: take action at ExCo and ExCo minus one to set clear and stretching targets and publish them within 12 months of making this commitment.
    • In addition, establish a separate target for black participation at both levels.
  • Be transparent on actions: publish a clear action plan to achieve the targets and share progress in the Annual Report or on the company website.
    • In addition, disclose ethnicity pay gaps by 2022, at the latest. 
  • Create an inclusive culture in which talent from all diversities can thrive: focusing on recruitment and talent development processes to drive a more diverse pipeline; data collection and analysis; fostering safe, open and transparent dialogue, with mentoring, support and sponsorship; and working with a more diverse set of suppliers and partners, including minority owned businesses.

Paul Durkin, Managing Director of Digital & eFulfilment and Sponsor for Race at Wincanton, said:

"The Change the Race Ratio campaign is extremely important for driving leadership diversity across UK business. At Wincanton, we’re dedicated to creating and nurturing a culture that encourages diverse thinking in an environment that allows it to thrive.

"We’re committed advocates of diversity across all areas, including ethnicity, gender, culture, age and sexual orientation. Our business is delighted to join and support the CBI’s Change the Race Ratio."

About Change the Race Ratio

We are a group of senior leaders committed to taking action to increase racial and ethnic participation in our businesses.

Initiated by the CBI, Founder Business Partners include Aviva, Brunswick, Deloitte, Linklaters, Microsoft and Russell Reynolds.  They are supported by Founder Civil Society Partners BITC, City Mental Health Alliance and Cranfield Business School.

We are campaigning to Change the Race Ratio, starting by setting targets for greater racial and ethnic diversity at the Board, ExCo and ExCo minus one. This must be accompanied by our commitment to publish those targets and our progress towards them, and the creation of a culture that enables diversity to thrive.


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